Full Time
Lipa, BatangasPH
Hiring now!
Are you passionate about assisting customer inquiries? This is your chance to make a difference. ResultsCX is a company that drives people to success and acknowledges their effort. We provide remarkable healthcare support to our client while building a better community for our team members.
We strive to be always greater. What’s Your Greater? Come find it at ResultsCX!
Be one of us today! Join ResultsCX and have a front row seat in resolving customers’ concerns. Our Healthcare Representatives are dedicated individuals who love to provide giving instructions, answering questions, and helping resolve customer issues. If you are dedicated, patient, and computer-savvy, we want you!
How can you make a difference?Does this sound like a promising opportunity for you? Don’t waste more time! Apply now and reserve your slot because our training Classes are already starting!
ResultsCX is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity and inclusion. Be our Healthcare Support Representative and enjoy Limitless Opportunities for development and growth!
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